Gourmet Group

The Gourmet Group is an informal group of Branch members who gather monthly to share food and enjoy each other’s company.  We would welcome you to join us!  We each bring a dish in keeping with the month’s theme or share a lunch or dinner out.  For additional information, email AAUW-Baltimore with Gourmet in the subject line.

October 19 , 2019 –  Lunch at the Pub at the Edenwald retirement community in Towson followed by dessert at a member’s apartment. 

November 16 at a member’s home.  Bring something made with pumpkin or squash.

January 11 we will eat out.  Options include the Larder Restaurant on West 23rd Street, or the Namiste Restaurant on Cold Spring.

February 15 we’ll be participating in the AAUW Baltimore Branch Valentine Luncheon.

March 14 at a members’s  home.  Bring a salad.

April 25 we will visit a member, who has moved to Pennsylvania.

In June we may schedule a field trip to the Julius Sturgis Pretzel Bakery in Pennsylvania.